


在过去的十年里,大学公园的获胜赛季记录很少,直到2021年才结束.  No need to review them as it does not matter any longer.

My alumni hopes and dreams in 2022 for those at Maryland include the following in order of preference: a) an ESPN Game Day event hosted in College Park; b) beating OSU; c) another winning season; d) finding and coaching up a running back that takes your breath away; and e) a holiday bowl date near Pasadena, 那是在加州, 不是马里兰.


下一个2022年的愿望是给我的孙子们.  It is to high five Testudo at every home football game.  They are so sad when Testudo only hangs with his student crowd friends near end zone cameras.

UMD对UMI足球赛开幕 马里兰州College Park, 2021年11月20日:
(摄影:菲尔法 for PhotoLoaf Media)

在继续讨论之前, 我需要解释的是,作为一名摄影师/作家,我很幸运地报道了马里兰大学的体育活动多年.

这是与蒙哥马利县和DMV学生运动员一起进入下一个级别并为UMD效力的荣幸.  The COVID years of 2020 and 2021 made it difficult to cover as I did in the past. So, this year I took better advantage of UMD Zoom Pressers, in person weekly media events and the occasional game day photo field coverage.

I am admittedly a long-standing Terrapin Club Member, a holder of Basketball and the occasional Lacrosse season tickets.  我从1974年就开始买季球票了.  I can count on two hands the missed home games during that span.

自20世纪90年代初以来,我们, 我妻子和我带着儿子和女儿去看他们想看的任何一场足球比赛(没有周末足球冲突), 等.).  从那时起, t在这里 has been three generations of Terp loyalists around the home, 从我们到我们的子孙. Game attendance is not an obligation but rather viewed as a fun fall afternoon, 尤其是对这些特朗普的祖父母.

OK, so how did this fun begin and how did the 2021 Terps get 在这里 (a winning record), 他们通过什么手段达到了“那里”(2022年的新目标),最后,为什么我的孙子们对特斯图多如此伤心?


The Terp’s season began with four straight wins.  They beat border state rival West Virginia 30-24, DVM本地霍华德以62比0领先, traveled to Illinois winning 20-17 for 1st time in Urbana-Champaign, 然后在主场以37-16战胜肯特州立大学, a team that featured former Quince Orchard standout Marquez Cooper at running back.


Terps的赛程现在包括了所有曾经在全国排名前20位的B1G球队.  三次输给爱荷华州、俄亥俄州立大学和明尼苏达大学,之后在主场以38-35战胜印第安纳州.  然后,它又回到了分区对手宾夕法尼亚州立大学,密歇根州立大学和密歇根州,都输了.

Up to this point their six losses to B1G opponents averaged a 30-point negative differential.  失误和点球导致比赛停滞不前,或者让对手继续比赛并得分.  随后,Terps将在2021年被罚88次,总计742码.  That’s a significant advantage to hand over to their Top 10 B1G opponents during a game.


UMD对UMI足球赛的照片 马里兰州College Park, 2021年11月20日:
(摄影:菲尔法 for PhotoLoaf Media)

Something happened to this team in that final practice week.  他们发现了一种一致性, 也许是一个新的目标, 但对在家看电视的我来说,他们很放松, 游戏变得有趣起来.

感恩节周末罗格斯大学的比赛, November 27 provided a glimpse of what was both fun and futuristic.  在以40比16取胜的比赛中,球队没有出现失误,也没有受到点球大战的影响——他们打出了一场直到今天都堪称完美的比赛.

碗资格和20天的额外练习为2022年的未来改进奠定了基础. On December 29th they came away with a Pinstripe Bowl 54-10 win against Virginia Tech, an old rival who is just now going through the throes of a coaching transition.

马里兰大学的主教练迈克·洛克斯利以7胜6负的成绩完成了几个球队的目标, 并重新获得参赛资格.  他和他的团队通过训练年轻的红衫军二年级四分卫塔格瓦伊洛(Taulia Tagovailoa)创造了一个破纪录的赛季,增加了球队在赛季末的稳定性.

最重要的是, 塔格瓦伊洛参加了2021年的所有比赛, 在328次完成中,476次尝试,11次拦截中,传球成功率接近70%.  他创造了26次触地得分, tying a Maryland season record set by Scott Milanovich in 1993, 他还获得了8次触地得分.  他3,960 passing yards set a single season record surpassing Milanovich’s 1993 record of 3,499码.

在细条纹碗球场上,EPSN的一名摄制组拍到了塔格瓦伊洛的姿势,这是我在场边拍照时整个赛季都在暗示我的姿势, 他在微笑.  又很有趣了.


赛季初的迹象表明,车管所学生运动员作为签约球员继续占据主导地位.  Locksley announced 20 national letters of intent on December 15th.  Ten of these signers are from the state of Maryland.  12 of the 20 are offensive aligned players, which points to the direction for 2022.

Maryland loses offensive seniors Chigoziem Okonkwo, Tayon Fleet-Davis, 2022年,卡洛斯·卡里尔和道格·琼斯.

当我上次统计2021年9月的数据时,DMV(包括所有MD)球员占总名单的比例接近83人名单的60%.  从那时起,随着学生运动员毕业或选择退出Transfer门户,这一比例可能会发生变化.

传送门户流程, think of it as free agency for college student athletes, 允许立即一次性转移到另一所学校,而不会缺席并失去一年的比赛资格.  对于学生来说,这里的风险是,一旦进入门户,就会有合适的最终目的地.

The good offensive news rolled in for the 2022 Terps as Senior Wide Receiver Dontay Demus Jr., a DC native, decided to forgo the NFL to seek one more year in CP.  小德穆斯在2021年被列入比莱尼科夫奖观察名单,但在主场对阵爱荷华的比赛中受伤结束了赛季.

最近, the transfer portal provided Maryland with another outstanding receiver, 来自佛罗里达州的雅各布·科普兰, 谁还有两年的剩余资格.

Add in a Washington Post First Team All Met star wide receiver Octavian Smith, Jr从Paint Branch到即将到来的2022级,马里兰州重振了其接收公司.  Smith, Jr was a dual threat quarterback at Paint Branch.

Quince Orchard holds on and defeats Paint Branch 20-13 Quince Orchard holds on and defeats Paint Branch 20-13

来自弗吉尼亚州里士满南部, Midlothian/Manchester HS comes the nationally ranked (10th) running back, 拉蒙布朗.  The challenge for Locksley’s staff is to add another speedster to this incoming 2022 class.

The last offensive player to be featured is another Washington Post All-Met Player, quarterback Jayden Sauray from Wise HS in Upper Marlboro.  我在安纳波利斯看到了2021年怀斯和昆斯·奥查德之间的4A州冠军赛.  Sauray, that night had difficulties with the big and quick QO defenders. Hopefully he will find success behind the much-improved Maryland offensive line.



One, they have a young quarterback with a full year’s experience under his belt.  第二,坚固的防御. Three, a giant HDR video board at the horseshoe end of the stadium.

Yeah, that last one was tongue in cheek but just as relevant to having fun in CP.

“很久以前”,我们可以花10美元在Giant Food买到儿童票.  The football stadium became the weekend’s entertainment destination.  Tailgating with the kids – sort of camping out – included a hot dog, 芯片, 入场时免费提供苏打水.

时代变了.  跟车是更复杂的,需要更多的准备,不那么安静,但更有趣. 然而,票价却一路飙升.

CP的娱乐选择已经扩大.  The Saturday destination is not just for football.  是乐队在行进, 乐队的演奏声, 大规模的野炊活动, 校友中心聚会, 体育场里有啤酒出售, B1G Ten media events on the Soccer field and of course Testudo.


Who knows that may change now that excitement has been brought back to CP, along with the 9th largest video board in the nation, and a new sports complex on the spot of the nearby former Cole Field House.


Now they line the guardrail in hopes of high fiving or hugging Testudo.  The parents flock alongside with their smartphones to capture that joyous moment.  板凳球员只是笑.  很有趣.

我的孙子和孙女,那些流行视频时代的人,盯着大屏幕.  Instead of field focused they left turn their heads to watch the game, the marching bands at half time or the towers of fire at game time entrance.  They follow Testudo’s every move because of the video board.  只有当马里兰队得分后大炮轰鸣时,他们才迅速回到球场,寻找一缕烟雾.

Weeks later do they remember the game day score? 不,他们记得玩得很开心,野餐,大冲浪板,乐队,还有泰斯图多的下落.  Give them more game day experiences and they might remember the scores.

胜利是交易的一部分.  Being football competitive is part of the deal.  Having a memorable experience that is Fun – well that just seals the deal for us.



